Sunday, May 30, 2021

My Story New Post

If you've been reading my past few posts I've started posting the first few episodes/chapters to My Story. As you may expect here is where I left off last time.


Reports of an owllike human girl flying around Japan accompanied by a gigantic owl have surfaced. Takeshi and Taro suspect this could be Nina Moriko, a childhood friend of Takeshi and Taro.


Nina steals a gem from Takeshi, Taro, and Angel so they pursue her into the woods. They find Nina along with Sova her size-changing owl companion, in the woods. Kyofusho has tricked her into joining him, after he killed both of Nina's parents, unknown to her. Takeshi and Angel prepare to fight, however Taro decides to talk and reason to his childhood friend, much to the other's surprise. Taro explains to Nina how he was tricked by Kyofusho after grieving from the death of his father but was able to break from him thanks to Takeshi. He tells her she doesn't have to stay with him and it would be better to join his gang instead.


The four manage to take back the gems and scrolls and escape from Kyofusho. They return home and Nina moves in with her grandma. Nina learns that Kyofusho killed her parents. She along with Sova vow to work with Takeshi, Taro, and Angel to defeat Kyofusho.


Another new major character has been added, Nina Moriko. I've been pretty busy with my real life but will try to post at least once a month.

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