At a young age Kamizaka Haruhi was rescued by a young mage and longed to become a mage herself. She enrolls in a special school with regular and magic classes along with a few of her friends. They study magic together while searching for the boy that saved her years ago.
How it Could be Better
There's really no much that I can say that would make this anime better. It did have a good story with many great moments and I really enjoyed the ending as well. There is a cross dresser in the anime which either made it or broke it for some people. He/she was probably put in there more for comic relief, however the main story focuses on Yuma and Haruhi.
In my Valentines Day post I did list Yuma and Haruhi as an underrated couple. I think these two deserve so much more attention than they got. These two are pretty cute and romantic together and truly care for each other a lot and it shows more with the series. They are both supportive and often help each other out in many ways and I believe these two deserve more ships. Please feel free to ship them!
I would give this anime 4.5/5 stars or a 9/10 score. I really did like this anime as a magical girl and romance put together. The ending finished it off great. This anime is pretty similar to Nanatsuiro Drops, another magical girl romance with similar artwork and theming. I will also be looking forward to watching Nanatsuiro Drops too and I predict I might rate it a full 5 stars, but of course I won't know till I watch it.