Thursday, December 30, 2021

My Story: Switched

So as you probably guessed I'm going to post more from My Story. Here is more of a funny comedic episode/chapter where Taro and Nina's bodies get switched.


Taro and Nina find a gem. They then begin to argue over who found it and how they slow the group down. Suddenly something happens and they end up in each other's bodies.


Taro and Nina are both shocked to find themselves in each other's bodies and initially freak out while Takeshi and Angel try to figure out what happened and what to do. Taro and Nina agree to just act like each other in school so no one will know. However, Taro and Nina spend most of the time in each other's bodies humiliating and embarrassing each other. The group gather and decide to try and reenact the events to get Taro and Nina back into each other's bodies. When they try it doesn't work however, a scroll reveals that Taro and Nina must truly emotionally understand each other in order to get back into their own bodies. Just then Kyofusho's henchmen come. Taro and Nina struggle to use each other's powers but Takeshi, Angel, and Sova manage to drive them off.


Taro and Nina finally sympathize with each other about the tragic losses they've endured (Taro's father and both of Nina's parents) as a result of Kyofusho's actions. They are finally able to switch back into each other's bodies. Nina secretly admits she has feelings for Taro to Angel.


So we see Taro and Nina get trapped in each other's bodies but we all see a step forward in their relationship. Stay tuned for my next post.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

My Story: The Blonde Wolfboy

I've been posting what I've been coming up with for My Story and now here's more. Now I'll introduce three new characters.


Chad Callahan, a new exchange student from England, arrives in school. He quickly gains attention from girls and popularity, due to being tall, good-looking, and athletic. He plays soccer, baseball, and basketball, and is son of a former FIFA player


Chad Callahan befriends Angel and Nina, however Taro becomes suspicious of him, that he's hiding something. Takeshi says while they should keep their guard up, he tells Taro not let the jealousy get to his head. Although, Takeshi is secretly jealous of his friendship with Angel. After school they search for another gem in the woods. Kyofusho's wife, Kumori and son, Myou attack after they tried to lure the gang into a trap. Suddenly Chad who'd been following them, appears surprises everyone by transforming into a werewolf. Chad, Takeshi, and Taro fight Myou, while Angel and Nina square off with Kumori. Kumori then uses her black magic and they disappear. Chad reveals he took the gem.


Chad reveals that he is secretly and werewolf and that he is after the gems and scrolls too. He says that while he won't join the alliance, he also doesn't view Takeshi, Taro, Angel or Nina as enemies because they share a common enemy.

My Conclusion

Now we've introduced three new characters, including two major villains. I will do my best post every month but things have been hectic in my real life.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

My Story: The New Moon

I've been posting about My Story (last post) and what I've been coming up with as far as chapters/episodes go. Here we will find out another fact that our characters have limits to their powers


Nina tells Angel as warm-blooded obakes, they will not have their powers on the nights of a full moon or new moon. A new moon is coming up so the gang try and formulate a plan on what to do on such nights.


The new moon is coming up in two days in which Nina and Angel will be powerless. Takeshi tells Taro that the gang will depend on them since they will be able to use their powers. On the other hand, Nina and Angel decide to sharpen up on their marksmanship and athletic ability to do what they can. Nina with her crossbow practices her shooting and gives Angel how she can improve her aim and distance. They enter the woods when Kyofusho's henchmen ambush them hiding in a cave. Takeshi and Taro do their best to fend them off while Angel and Nina use their crossbow and bow and arrow to combat them at a distance. Taro manages to snatch a gem from one of them and they make their escape.


The group now have confidence on what to do when any of them are unable to use their powers. Takeshi says during the winter it will be he and Taro who will be without their reptilian powers and must prepare when winter comes as well as practice their marksmanship and martial arts.

My Conclusion

We find more about our characters and that their powers are limited during certain times of the year. Therefore they must rely on their other skills in marksmanship and martial arts. Stay tuned for my next post.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

My Story: The Kappa

So if you've been reading my posts about My Story, my last post was on Kuchisake Onna, The Slit-Mouthed Woman, now our characters come across a new legend, The Kappa. Also, this will be another filler episode/chapter. 


The gang hear stories and legends of a mysterious creature appearing in the woods known as the Kappa. An aquatic amphibious-like creature with the appearance of a turtle.


Taro and Nina suspect this could be another creature summoned by the villain Kyofusho. Takeshi and Angel believe there could be another explanation. The Kappa is aquatic and lives in or around water and is known occasionally for attacking people. The group set out into the woods with cucumbers, the Kappa's favorite food, as a lure in order to investigate the sightings and see who's behind it. They spot the creature across a stream. Angel puts out a cucumber as lure then the creature attacks. Takeshi and Taro come to her defense but Kyofusho appears.


Kyofusho orders the creature to retreat and reveals he's training creatures such as the kappa to add to his army but the kappa runs away never to be seen again.


I'm sorry that I had to put out another filler episode/chapter but I've just been busy with my full-time job. Additionally, I had to take time to work on my mental health too. I will still do my best to post something every month.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Tonikaku Kawaii (Tonikawa: Over the Moon for You) Review

So I didn't really think I'd being doing another anime review but I was interested and watched Tonikaku Kawaii and decided to do a review. I know most of you were expecting an continuation of My Story but that will be postponed for next month which I apologize for. Like most anime Tonikaku Kawaii started as a 2018 manga known as Fly Me to the Moon written by Kenjiro Hata. In 2020 it was adapted into the 12-episode anime known as Tonikaku Kawaii or known outside of Japan as Tonikawa: Over the Moon for You by Seven Arcs. There is an additional OVA and an extra episode that recaps the series. Tonikaku Kawaii is a romantic comedy, slice of life, science fiction anime.


Nasa Yuzaki is determined to leave his name in the history books. Ranking first in the national mock exam and aiming for a distinguished high school, he is certain that he has his whole life mapped out. However, fate is a fickle mistress. On his way home one snowy evening, Nasa's eyes fall upon a peerless beauty across the street. Bewitched, Nasa tries to approach her—only to get blindsided by an oncoming truck.

Thankfully, his life is spared due to the girl's swift action. Bleeding by the side of an ambulance, he watches as the girl walks away under the moonlight—reminiscent of Princess Kaguya leaving for the moon. Refusing to let this chance meeting end, he forces his crippled body to chase after her and asks her out. Surprised by his foolhardiness and pure resolve, the girl accepts his confession under a single condition: they can only be together if he marries her!

My Thoughts

Tonikaku Kawaii was a very enjoyable romance anime. It's a simpler romance anime and while the romance is unrealistic, the characters are still very interesting and enjoyable to watch. It's a rather light-hearted romantic comedy, but we do see how Nasa and Tsukasa's feelings for each other grow stronger. We see how Nasa and Tsukasa adapt to their life as a married couple and the various things they go through. I like Nasa and Tsukasa as a couple and they are both pretty cute. The other characters are also interesting and add to the story very well. Overall, it's not an over-the-top romance anime but it is still a very good enjoyable romantic comedy anime.

My Conclusion and Message

I would give Tonikaku Kawaii 4.5/5 stars or a 9/10 score. It's not a masterpiece anime but still a very enjoyable good romantic comedy anime. It's a pretty heartwarming story about life as a married couple with the various challenges they go through.

I've been working full-time so I don't get as much time to work on my blog as I used to. Also, I've had to focus on my mental health as well. I apologize if I don't post as much as I used to.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

My Story: Kuchisake-Onna, Slit-Mouthed Woman

If you read my last few posts I've been posting My Story (Previously). Well here's the next part from where we left off and here they will face the legendary Kuchisake-Onna aka the Slit-Mouthed Woman. Just to be aware, this is kind of a filler episode. Here's a link (Kuchisake-Onna Wiki). 


A woman wearing a hospital mask has been sighted following and targeting small children.


Takeshi, Angel, and Nina decide to investigate the sightings of Kuchisake-Onna while Taro scoffs it off as a some people playing a prank but agrees to go along with the gang. They also want to know if she is a demon who is an ally of Kyofusho. The next day, they prepare bringing money and candy to distract her in case she follows them, as well as their weapons for defense. They see her and then capture and unmask her to reveal it's just someone playing a prank. Just then another Kuchisake-Onna appears asking if she's pretty as usual. The gang hesitate on what to say, she then rips off her mask revealing her hideous deformed slit mouth screaming am I pretty. Taro swoops in and attacks her with a knife. She then fades and reveals she's an illusion created by Kyofusho but doesn't give a reason why.


Takeshi tells everyone that they should be aware of Kyofusho's tactics and how to not fall into his traps. They wonder on what is to come from Kyofusho.


This was another filler episode/chapter so sorry again if you kind of expected something more. My full-time job has been pretty hectic so I don't really have as much time to post as I used to. I've also had to focus on my own mental health recently. I apologize if I don't post as much.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

My Story Next Chapters/An Important message

To those who have been reading my last few (previous part) posts of the last few months, I have been posting about My Story. These are summary proposals and I may change some things.


Takeshi and Taro arrive home to find Fahru's ashes stolen. They set out with Angel and Nina to find the culprit and avenge Fahru. 


Kyofusho has ordered his henchmen to steal Fahru's ashes so they can harness the power and use it as their own. Meanwhile Takeshi and Taro have flashbacks about their past, particularly with their late father. They reflect on the lessons taught by their father on how to defeat an enemy. They encounter Kyofusho's henchmen using the tactics taught to them by their father, the gang manage to defeat the henchmen and retrieve Fahru's ashes.


The gang return home and find Fahru's writing about the Hearts of the Universe gems. These are connected to how all Obake's got their powers and learn how each of the scrolls are connected.


This was a filler episode/chapter with a typical plot so I apologize if you were expecting something exciting. I've been pretty busy in my real life with a full-time job and it's been pretty hectic since.

!My Message!

I am now working full-time and I probably won't be able to post as much as I used to. Additionally, I have to focus on my own mental health on top of that. I genuinely apologize if your expecting me to post as much as I normally do.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

My Story New Post

If you've been reading my past few posts I've started posting the first few episodes/chapters to My Story. As you may expect here is where I left off last time.


Reports of an owllike human girl flying around Japan accompanied by a gigantic owl have surfaced. Takeshi and Taro suspect this could be Nina Moriko, a childhood friend of Takeshi and Taro.


Nina steals a gem from Takeshi, Taro, and Angel so they pursue her into the woods. They find Nina along with Sova her size-changing owl companion, in the woods. Kyofusho has tricked her into joining him, after he killed both of Nina's parents, unknown to her. Takeshi and Angel prepare to fight, however Taro decides to talk and reason to his childhood friend, much to the other's surprise. Taro explains to Nina how he was tricked by Kyofusho after grieving from the death of his father but was able to break from him thanks to Takeshi. He tells her she doesn't have to stay with him and it would be better to join his gang instead.


The four manage to take back the gems and scrolls and escape from Kyofusho. They return home and Nina moves in with her grandma. Nina learns that Kyofusho killed her parents. She along with Sova vow to work with Takeshi, Taro, and Angel to defeat Kyofusho.


Another new major character has been added, Nina Moriko. I've been pretty busy with my real life but will try to post at least once a month.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

My Story Continued

So, for the past few months I have been posting my thoughts about My Story so here's the next few chapters following the two I've made so far. Previous part


Reports surface that another reptilian similar to Takeshi has been sighted in the region. Takeshi suspects this could be his runaway younger brother Taro. 

Meeting with Taro 

Takeshi and Angel set out to search for more gems and scrolls, and to find out who the mysterious reptilian is. They find a few gems but are attacked and have their gems stolen by Taro, Takeshi's younger brother. Takeshi learns Taro has joined Kyofusho as he brings the villain the gems. Following Kyofusho's orders, Taro squares off with Takeshi each with weapon in hand. Takeshi lowers his weapon and decides to not fight Taro as he is his blood-related brother and tells Taro this, that Kyofusho is the real bad guy, and that this is the last thing their father would want, but acknowledges to Taro that it's still his choice. Taro then chooses to return home and join Takeshi and Angel.


Taro returns home to be reunited with his mother. He vows to work with Takeshi and Angel to collect the scrolls and gems and one day defeat Kyofusho as well as bring harmony among humans and Obake as Takeshi and Taro's father would want.


So we have a new major character, Taro Hachuu, Takeshi's younger brother and a bit more being added to My Story. I've been through a lot lately and I apologize for not posting as much is I would like to but there's a lot in my life that I'm trying to work through right now so bear with me.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

My Story Proposal Next Few Chapters/Episodes

Man I really really miss pre-Covid life and I'm sure you all do too. Anyway if you read my January Post I summarized would would be the pilot episode or first chapter in My Story. Now here's the next few chapters and episodes of it.

Opening Scene

Angel narrates on the previous episode on how she met Takeshi and what she has learned about him and her own animal-human powers.

First Villain Encounter

Angel arrives to visit Takeshi and finds him being attacked by the demon villain, Myou, son of Kyofusho. Together they both manage to defeat him and drive him off but Myou vows to return. Takeshi tells Angel about his father's dying wish for him to retrieve all the gems and scrolls and bring peace among both humans and yokai, and for man to live in harmony with nature. Angel promises to join Takeshi and help him all the way. Takeshi then tells Angel about his father, Fahru and family and his father's death. He hasn't seen his younger brother Taro after he ran away four years earlier distraught over their father's death.


Angel consoles Takeshi, they both say goodbye, Angel practices her archery and how to use her powers in order to help Takeshi. Both then narrate the next episode/chapter when the two finally encounter Taro.


Here are the next few episodes/chapters of My Story. I really can't believe I'm 25 and I will try to work on this story as much as possible. However, there is a lot going on in my real life too so I may not post as much as I would like.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

2021 Valentines Day Post

So here's my dreaded holiday. JK but I it's still not my favorite because I'm single. As you know I always make a Valentines Day Post every year where I list my favorite or least favorite couples combined with what most people think. Well due to how busy I was I did have to delay this post by 4 days. I will also post the couples from My Story as well. As usual feel free to ship these couples and their love stories should be on the very opposite of Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey. (You know better than Romeo & Juliet, and Jack & Rose from Titanic combined) Because I've been so busy with other events in my life especially with the Coronavirus Pandemic, I haven't really had much time to focus on this blog so I apologize to any fans who were looking for something. Feedback is wanted but only CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. A lot of this is kind of my opinion on what I've watched so if yours is different, then that's fine! I may reveal some endings too so...

*************************!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!*************************

Love Song: Big Girls Don't Cry-Fergie

Who new Fergie could write a great love song. It describes how you truly love someone but do need space and time to yourself. You need to sort yourself out but don't want to end the relationship because you still love that person and they love you.

Love Song: Hanging by a Moment-Lifehouse

Another love song from Lifehouse since I put Between the Raindrops last year. This song is about falling in love how much that person means to you. The loved one has turned your life around in some way which is why you love them.

What I look for in a Couple

If you've been reading my past Valentines Day posts you probably know what I'm looking for in a good couple. I want good chemistry and for them to be lovable as a couple. It is important how much two people care about each other and how far they'll go for one another. I usually prefer couples around the same age plus or minus a few years. Personally, I used to be attracted to girls my age but now I prefer slightly older women (NOT COUGARS!). I mean it's cool to for guys to score with older girls. And because of that I like the slightly older girl and slightly younger boy couples. This is just a short summary of what I look for in romance.

Worst Couples (Get the worst over first)

Here are some of the worst love stories, While I've went through them before I will explain them again.

Ana Steele + Christian Grey (50 Shades of Grey)- FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NO, NO NOOOOOOOOO! This and Twilight are probably two of the worst, most sickening, disgusting love stories and there's very few romances I can think of that are worse.

Edward Cullen + Bella Swan (Twilight)- I know I rip on this a lot as do lots of people but I'll explain it a little. Probably the worst chemistry of any couple and one of the least popular before 50 Shades. The only good thing about Twilight is Christina Perri's song, A Thousand Years.

Any School Days Pairing- I wouldn't even call this a romance anime, just blood, guts, and gore and you can probably see the same thing watching something like Saw. But if love blood and violence, then School Days is the anime for you.

Kirino Kosaka + Kyosuke Kosaka (Oremio)-Since I've ripped on this anime so many times I'm just going to say this, Kirino and Koysuke are BLOOD RELATED brother and sister.

Amy + Sammy Bougzaglo (Amy's Baking Company)-Anyone who watches Kitchen Nightmares knows who these infamous two are. Two of the craziest b***iest resturaunt owners ever. I mean he looks like he could be her father of grandpa. They way they treat their customers and employees is disgusting and I wonder why no one's beaten the s*** out of them yet. But then again they treat everyone awful. Their place is shut down but they'll get their KARMA one day. They would give both Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey a run for their money but are neck and neck with Jennifer and Scott Petkov.

Jennifer + Scott Petkov-If you know who these two are you'll agree with this one. Jennifer and Scott taunted a dying 7-year-old girl with Huntington's Disease over not being invited to a party. Jennifer posted pictures of her with the grim reaper online and drove around in a car with a coffin on it. Scott defends his B***'s actions. Two of the ugliest pairings on this list as well. If anything they might give both Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey a run for their money but are neck and neck with Amy and Samy Bougzaglo.

Average/Mixed Reviews

Kirito/Kazuto Kirigaya + Asuna Yuuki (Sword Art Online)- People seem to either love or hate SAO and the same goes for the romance. I'm kind of in between. While Asuna starts off as a tsundere they quickly develop feelings for each other. I still do kind of like Kirito and Asuna but I found myself liking SAO and its romance less as new movies or series came out and it's getting old even though it started off good.

Sesshomaru + Rin (Inuyasha)-While other fans like these two as a couple, I'm kind of disturbed by this because Sesshomaru is a grown man and Rin is a child. Okay Inuyasha is chronologically way older than Kagome but physically and mentally they are the same age. I saw it as more of a father-daughter, guardian-child or older brother-younger sister type relationship than an actual romantic couple. Personally I think Rin is better with Kohaku. Additionally, an Inuyasha sequel Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon has come out with and now features Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Kagome's kids. I just found out Rin and Sesshomaru are the mother and father of Setsuna and Towa. I know Rin has probably aged but I still find it kind of disgusting and disturbing.

Ash/Satoshi Ketchum's Love Stories (Pokemon)- I could make an entire post alone if I had to list every one of Ash's potential love interests. It seems the writers just keep taking out one love interest and stick in another one for Ash. I find it annoying and confusing and they would have Ash stick with just one girl. Personally, I think Serena was the best for him.

Saito Hiraga + Louise Francoise Le Blanc de La Valliere (The Familiar of Zero/Zero no Tsukaima)- There's mixed opinions about Saito and Louise. Louise starts off being mean, rude, and even abusive towards Saito at first but does show romantic feelings for him. Saito's not thrilled about the situation either but remains loyal to Louise and truly loves and cares for her. When Saito dies but gets resurrected, Louise sows how much she loves him. Saito and Louise get married in the end. I'm indifferent on them there's both good and bad things on this ship.

Best/Popular Couples

Inuyasha + Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha)- No one would ever forgive me if I posted a Valentines Day Couples list and not include Inuyasha and Kagome. Inuyasha and Kagome are a popular couple. They don't get along well at first but develop feelings for each other throughout the story. Inuyasha and Kagome will go to the ends of the earth for the other. There are some conflicting ideas of Kagome vs Kikyo. I support Inuyasha and Kagome, but I will mention that most of the main characters would be dead if it weren't for Kikyo.

Sakura Kinomoto + Syaoran Li (Cardcaptor Sakura) (Clear Card)- I could never ever ever make a Valentines Day Couples list and not include Sakura and Syaoran. Sakura and Syaoran are probably one of the cutest anime couples and I just can't get enough of them. Sakura and Syaoran start off as rivals but warm up to each other. Syaoran eventually works the courage to confess to Sakura and Sakura returns her feelings for to Syaoran. They always look out for each other and are just adorable together. The movie and manga ended great as I said in my review. The Clear Card manga is still ongoing so I look forward to seeing more precious moments between them.

Sakura + Syaoran (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles)- If I include Sakura and Syaoran from CCS then I have to include these two. Sakura and Syaoran are childhood friends and have known each other until Sakura loses her memories. Syaoran goes on a jounrey to retrieve Sakura's memories and they fall in love along the way. We see how much Sakura and Syaoran care for each other and how far they are willing to go for one another. I liked and reviewed this anime but it was kind of disappointing they didn't kiss. I know CLAMP knows how to make better endings like in Cardcaptora Sakura, Chobits, and Kobato. They were so obviously in love and I swear they better get married in some future anime/manga or I will go ballistic.

Banri Tada + Koko Kaga (Golden Time)- By far one of the best romantic comedy I've seen. There are some differing opinions but I love Banri and Koko as a couple. They started their love off early in Golden Time though not without conflicts. I know some fans preferred Banri to be with Linda but Golden Time delivers a lesson that childhood friends don't always end up together. Many people like Toradora. I like Toradora as well but I loved Golden Time more for it's ending.

Shana + Yuji Sakai (Shakugan no Shana)- Probably one of my favorite tsundere couples. While Shana was cold and feisty toward at first she develops romantic feelings for him and really cares aoubt Yuji. Yuji started to feel the same way. I think Shana changed the most out of all tsunderes or any character in general from a cold, cruel, bad tempered, and angry to warm, kind-hearted, caring, and loving.

Keiichi Morisato + Belldandy (Ah! My Goddess/Ah! Megami Sama)- I like this anime because it gives me some hope with me being sort of like Keiichi. Keiichi gets taken advantage of and can't seem to win anyone over, and overall has bad luck despite being a good person. Belldandy. a goddess, appears when Keiichi accidentally dials the wrong number. He wishes for Belldandy to be by his side which she accepts. Keiichi and Belldandy deeply care about each other and will do anything for the other, despite each other's flaws.

Yuuta Togashi + Rikka Takanashi (Love, Chunibyo, & other Delusions/Chunibyo demo Koi ga Shitai)-Another anime that starts off cute, innocent, and funny at first but ends up hitting you emotionally. Yuuta found it embarrassing that he suffered from Chunibyo and Delusions in middles school. Yuuta goes to a new high school to try and escape his past where he meets Rikka, who also suffers from Chunibyo and knows about Yuuta's past. It is revealed there are sad and tragic reasons for their delusions. Yuuta and Rikka fall in love and they kiss in the 2018 movie, Take on Me which was just amazing and took their relationship to the next level.

Usagi Tsukino + Mamoru Chiba (Sailor Moon) (Crystal)- No one in their right mind would ever forgive me if I made a Valentines Day Couples list and did not include these two. Sailor Moon is by far the most popular magical girl anime. Usagi and Mamoru didn't like each other initally but do come to terms with their feelings. They are the incarnations of Princess Serenity and King Endymion. They break up but then get back together as a stronger couple and we see how much they love and care about each other. Usagi and Mamoru get married in the end.

Hodaka Morishima + Hina Amano (Tenki no Ko/Weathering with You)- Now that I have seen this movie I can now tell you my thoughts. Another masterpiece from Makoto Shinkai. The relationship between Hina and Hodaka progresses as they become stronger together and spend more time with each other. Hodaka will go out of his way for Hina.

Kotaru Azumi + Akane Mizuno (Tsuki ga Kirei)- My favorite 2017 anime. Mizuno and Azumi meet in their last years of Junior High School and develop romantic feelings for each other. They experiences the joys, struggles, and stages of falling in love. Azumi and Mizuno show that as long you love someone and care for them distance or any other obstacles doesn't matter.

Kobato Hanato + Kiyokazu Fujimoto (Kobato)- A fantastic series by CLAMP. As a typical CLAMP story it starts looking innocent, funny, and cute but becomes very serious and heartfelt at the end. As a male tsundere, Fujimoto acts like he doesn't like Kobato but warms up to her and cares about her. Kobato's kindness and soft feelings don't change and she loves Fujimoto in return.

Mitsuki Koyama + Takuto Kira (Full Moon wo Sagashite/Searching for the Full Moon)- Wow, such a sad emotional anime but also hopeful with its ending. Mitsuki dreams to become a singer so she can fulfill a promise to her childhood friend, Eichi Sakurai. However, she suffers from a throat tumor. Takuto and Meroko are Shinigami ("death spirits"), who come to help Mitsuki achieve her dreams after telling her she has one year left to live. So many events happen in the anime including Mitsuki finding out Eichi has died. Despite that Mitsuki realizes her own feelings for Takuto and we see they care about each other to the point of giving anything for the other person. The cherry on top was the ending which packed an emotional punch but also gave viewers lots of hope and joy as well.

Underrated Couples

Haruhiko Amami + Riko Fukamine (Gift Eternal Rainbow)- Such an underrated romance harem anime. While I usually don't support incest relationships, but Haruhiko and Riko aren't blood-related and are only brother and sister in name. Haruhiko and Riko were very close as children until Riko has to depart when Haruhiko's dad can no longer support both of them. Riko eventually returns to be reunited with Haruhiko. They have strong feelings for each other. If you watch the anime, it makes sense why Haruhiko ends up with Riko instead of Kirino, his childhood friend.

Naoki Kuzumi + Honami Fujieda (Hani Hani: Operation Sanctuary/Tsuki wa Higashi Ni Hi wa Nishi ni)- A very underrated romance harem anime with a really good ending. Naoki lost his parents and memory in an accident and his chilldhood friend, Honami has cared for him since then. I think Honami deserved to be with Naoki the most out of all the love interests. While Mikoto was the focus of the story, she saw Naoki as more of a brother than a love interest. Naoki and Honami marry in the end which I think is one of the best endings this anime couple have.

Mamoru Yoshimura + Ayako Takuso (Venus to Mamoru/Mamoru Kun ni Megami no Shokufuku wo!)- I just love this magical romantic comedy anime. Mamoru, a very short 16-year-old is asked out by Ayako, a older tall girl on his first day of attending a prestigious school. Mamoru is one lucky guy. A short boy ends up with a beautiful popular girl who's top of her class which is the type of love story I crave. I think Mamoru and Ayako deserve more attention so please ship them!

Sumomo Akihime + Masaharu Tsuwabuki (Nanatsurio Drops)- A very underrated magical girl romance anime and I honestly don't have anything bad to say about it. This is about as close to a perfect anime as I've watched so far. Masaharu accidentally drinks a potion and becomes a stuffed lamb at night. Sumomo is there to help him out of it but cannot know his real identity or he'll become a stuffed lamb forever. Sumomo and Masaharu spend time together and fall in love. Although, Masaharu will lose is memories but promises to continue loving Sumomo as they kiss. This was an amazing ending and Masaharu fulfills his promise to Sumomo. There is such a strong romance theme in Nanatsurio Drops. While there are moments of pain and sadness, Sumomo and Masaharu prove their love is for each other is so strong, they can overcome anything together. and they will stay with each other no matter what. It's a lesson I never get tired of watching. Sumomo and Masaharu are such an underrated underrated couple and show how strong their love for each other is. Please ship them!

Firiel Dee + Roux Liskin (The Good Witch of the West/Nishi no Yoki Majo" Astraea Testament)- Another very underrated anime and the type of love story I won't get tired of watching. Firiel is a girl of royal blood, and Roux is her younger childhood friend. At first, Firiel sees Roux as a friend or younger brother but they both show romantic feelings for each other that is pretty early in the anime and consistent throughout the story. Lots of kiss scenes too! (About 7 or 8) Firiel must make the decision of living a life of royalty or a simple life with Roux, the one she loves. She chooses to live a happy life with Roux, the one she loves, and in the place she loves. This was such a good ending.

Tatsuya Asagiri + Feena Fam Earthlight (Brighter than the Dawning Blue/Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na: Crescent Love)- A very underrate romance anime with possibly the greatest endings. So I gave it 5 stars. Lunar Princess of the Moon Feena and Earthling school boy Tatsuya are in love. It's the star-crossed lovers type of story and while it's cliche (some people complain about it), it's a good type of cliche that I like. Tatsuya and Feena do not let anything get in the way or stop them because that's how strong their bond is for each other. This is shown several times throughout the story. In the end, Tatsuya and Feena get married and bring peace between the Earth and Moon.

Kenji Tomosaka + Nanami Konoe (Lamune)- This was a very underrated romance slice of life anime, and I wish there were more like it. Childhood friends, Kenji and Nanami are very close to one another but are too shy to advance their relationship. They spend time together and anything they go through brings them closer. It is obvious they love each other. The ending was an emotional punch showing that Nanami is lonely and lost without Kenji by her side. Kenji pulls through and survives his ordeal and he and Nanami continue their relationship.

Ryuji Kisaragi + Rose (Dragon Crisis!)- And yet another underrated romance fantasy anime. It's clear Rose loves Ryuji and is attached to him by his side almost all the time. Ryuji will go to great lengths for Rose to ensure she is safe and happy. I know some people don't like Rose but I like her and think she's adorable. Ok, I admit, it's because Ryuji looks like and well Rose is kawaii. Rose is voiced by Rie Kugimiya (the tsundere queen) who also voiced Taiga in Toradora, plus the main character is also named Ryuji. They are an adorable couple and will go to the ends of the earth for each other.

My Story

Here are the couples from My Story. The main couples who become official will be listed and if you ship these I can promise they will sail and will be unsinkable (except Fahru and both villains die!). While this may sound cliche, it's the good type of cliche! It's a theme I never get tired of watching! If you want to ship these couples, feel free, leave a comment, message etc. I may try to get pics in the future sometime but for now just enjoy these avatars!

Takeshi Hachuu + Annabelle "Angel" Ahrimo- Takeshi is the main character so these two are the OTP of the anime. Takeshi is a 16 year old reptile/snake yokai who is mostly introverted, mature, smart, selfless, strong-willed, and protective (A combination of Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games and Robin from Teen Titans) and Angel is a 16 year old cat yokai who is very kind, friendly, sweet, selfless, intelligent, and popular in school. Angel makes friends with Takeshi as she feels sorry for him seeing him alone. Takeshi and Angel share their secrets and feelings for one another despite that Reptiles and Cats are supposed to be enemies. Both come to terms with how to accept their identies and fate. Takeshi had suffered the death of his father and years of discrimination while Angel always thought she was the only one. They show how much they deeply and truly care about each other and are always there for one another throughout the story. Angel is willing to stand up for Takeshi and is really supportive of him. Both cannot bear to see the other one sad or hurt. To Angel Takeshi's happiness is her happiness and to Takeshi, Angel's happiness is his happiness. Takeshi is not afraid to to protect Angel or anyone else he loves even if it means the cost his own life. Takeshi comes to terms and realizes it's the first time since his father's death that he hasn't felt sad, lonely, or depressed and is happy and stronger with Angel by his side. With every challenge and obstacle they face, Takeshi and Angel only get stronger together. Takeshi strives to fulfill his father's dying wish and Angel helps him every step of the way.

Taro Hachuu + Nina Moriko- While Takeshi and Angel are the OTP, Taro and Nina are a very close second. Taro, age 14, younger brother of Takeshi who is also a reptilian/snake yokai. He is initally short-tempered and vengeful. Nina, age 14, is Taro's childhood friend and a owl yokai of Russian and Japanese decent and is spunky and vein, yet caring as well. And yes she is a tsundere too! They stay by each others side despite that Reptiles and Owls are supposed to be enemies. At first, they argue a lot and try to hide their feelings but realize how much they really mean to each other and need each other and care about one another. Nina has suffered the loss of both her parents and Taro suffered through the death of his father. Both want to fulfill what their parents wishes and realize that they are no longer sad, lonely, or depressed, and are happy and stronger by each other's side. Much like many couples, Taro and Nina cannot bear to see the other one hurt or sad and are brought joy by the other's happiness. They face many obstacles and challenges in their relationship but always come out stronger than before.

Fahru Hachuu + Ren Hachuu- Ren and Fahru are the mother and father of Takeshi and Taro. Fahru is a reptilian/snake yoaki, while Ren is an ordinary human. These two are kind of star-crossed lovers. Their parents each accepted each other while society didn't. The fact that a reptilian and ordinary human are married was more reason they were targeted. Nevertheless they didn't care what others thought. They were deeply in love with each other and went to great lengths for one another and they started a family which made them stronger. Fahru was willing to risk anything for his family and finally lost his life protecting those he loved the most. Ren strives to fulfill her promise and Fahru's dying wish and continues to raise her two boys as a single mother well.

Masami Kobayashi Rival- Of course we can't have love stories without rivals. Masami Kobayashi, age 15, is the cousin and childhood friend of Takeshi and Taro, and a friend/rival to Angel and Nina. Masami is an ordinary human being on Ren's side of the family but is also quite a warrior and fighter herself, being skilled with weapons and martial arts. Masami is willing to help the yokai gain freedom and lessen the misunderstandings of them. Initially she seems like a flirt but Masami secretly harbor's for both Takeshi and Taro. Takeshi and Taro both initially consider Masami a friend and cousin but do have strong feeling for her later. Taro is split between Nina and Masami. Masami's willing to protect and defend her allies to the end and cares deeply for Taro, Takeshi, even Nina and Angel as well as all her friends and family.

Chad Callahan Rival- Chad is popular exchange student from England who's secretly a werewolf. As a typical "pretty boy" he's tall, good looking, smart, muscular, athletic, and fit with nice blonde hair and blue eyes. He plays soccer, baseball, and basketball. Chad is initially attracted to Angel for her looks and popularity. Angel only thinks of him as a friend and doesn't return his advances. Chad is still also thinking about his girlfriend back home who he eventually returns to. While Takeshi and Chad are rivals for Angel's affections, they stay respectful to each other and usually try to avoid conflict with one another. Taro initially dislikes Chad but begins to have friendly rivalry with him as the story goes on. He helps Angel and her allies a few times and they return the favor.

Hawkwing Rival- Hawkwing is an older friend of Nina who she had a crush on. Yet he betrays her and becomes a villain. Hawkwing feels a connection to Nina and still shows interest but he looks down on Taro and sees him as being inferior to him. Hawkwing becomes a major villain and he and Taro become fiercely enemies as well being enemies with the other main characters. Nina eventually rejects Hawkwing for the sake of doing good, though she has mixed feelings about him. She chooses Taro as she realizes she truly loves him.

Kyofusho + Kumori- The main villain Kyofusho, which means phobia. The main villainess, Kumori is his wife. Kumori is just as evil also joining her husband in his plans. They are loyal to one another and they even have a son and other family members who are evil as well.


So that's pretty much a rap for this years Valentines Day and if there are couples you think should be added, feel free to comment. Unfortunately I've found myself basically repeating the same type of things every year and it's kind of because I'm starting to run out of new things to post for V-Day. I've also been pretty busy in my real life so I haven't had much time to focus on the blog. If you're wondering I did what everyone single and 21 and over does on Valentines Day, get plastered!