Friday, January 25, 2019

Nanatsuiro Drops Review

As you may have known from my other reviews of Happiness and many other magical girl anime I said I would watch and review Nanatsuiro Drops or Seven-Colored Drops. Well I just finished it so as usual I will now review it! Nanatsuiro Drops started as a visual novel by UNiSONSHIFT in 2006 along with a light novel written by Tamaki Ichikawa, about 2 months later. Then UNiSONSHIFT wrote a 6-volume manga, Nanatsuiro Drops in 2006 followed by a 1-volume manga, Nanatsuiro Drops Pure in 2007. Finally in 2007, Studio Barcelona (now Diomedea) released a 12-episode anime series and it was the first TV series they released. Nanatsuiro Drops is a magical girl romance fantasy anime. If you combine Happiness, Princess Tutu, and CLAMP's Cardcaptor SakuraKobato and maybe a little bit of Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, Sailor Moon, and Mermaid Melody you get something like Nanatsuiro Drops. As a grown man who works out, played hockey, and listens to rock music, I'm rather embarrassed about about reviewing (and liking) this girly magical girl anime but it's not the only anime I'm embarrassed to review so I got nothing to lose! Besides my identity is secret to most of you reading this! With that being said, I absolutely loved Nanatsuiro Drops. It is by far a very underrated anime series that doesn't get anywhere near the attention I think it deserves so I will explain more in this review. Also, I will be talking about the ending so...

**************************!!!!!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!**************************

Masaharu Tsuwabuki is a normal student, though not very social. One day he meets a new transfer student, Sumomo Akihime, and her best friend Yaeno Nadeshiko, Both the only members of the gardening club. Masaharu is forced by a teacher to join the club. But then he bumps into a strange guy with dog ears, switching his drink with the guy's by mistake. He drinks it and is turned into a stuffed animal. The teacher, Natsume Kisaragi, tells him that the only way to turn back to normal is to find the chosen girl and let her catch the seven stardrops. The girl is Sumomo, that accepts to help, though she's not allowed to know the animal's true identity or he will turned into a stuffed animal forever.

My Thoughts
Nanatsuiro Drops was amazing and very underrated. While there are only 12 episodes and I kind of wish there was more, it is definitely worth watching. I absolutely loved and enjoyed this anime from beginning to end and this is what I would think of as a perfect heart warming anime. I liked the art and visuals especially with the magic aspect. The sound is decent and one particular song in the end does bring out the emotions. I really loved the characters in Nanatsuiro Drops and I found them to be quite cute, lovable, and entertaining to watch especially our two main characters Sumomo and Masaharu. We also see out some of our other characters help out too particularly, Nona Yuuki and Yaeno Nadeshiko. While Sumomo can be a crybaby, she is so lovable and probably one of the most adorable, kawaii, moe anime character I've come across. (It's common in magical girl anime)

Isn't Sumomo adorable?

Comparisons to other Anime (**********SPOILER ALERT**********)
Like I explained it reminded me a lot of Cardcaptor Sakura, Happiness, Kobato, and Princess Tutu with some similarities to Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, Sailor Moon, and Mermaid Melody. Sumomo must collect star drops while being assisted by a cute animal much like in CCS, Kobato, and TRC. The relationship between Sumomo and Masaharu is very similar to the romance in the previous mentioned anime. Masaharu loses his memories much like in CCS, TRC, and Mermaid Melody but promises to continue loving Sumomo exactly like Syaoran's promise to Sakura in Cardcaptor Sakura: The Sealed Card as with the other anime the main couples continue loving each other. You also have concepts in fate and the power of love much like in the other aforementioned anime.

Why I loved this Anime (**********SPOILER ALERT**********)
Nanastuiro Drops is such a cute anime with a pure, innocent, warm, touching love story. The first few episodes are a little more on the lighter side but still enjoyable. The second half of the anime is where things really get great and really put everything together in the best way possible. While Sumomo and Masaharu spend more time together they fall in love. However, after collecting the seven stardrops, Masaharu will lose all memories with Sumomo. He promises to Sumomo that he will continue to love her even if he without his memories. I mentioned Nanatsuiro Drops in my Endings Rant as one of the best endings and it was truly the icing on the cake. Probably one of the greatest endings in any anime I've watched so far and it was so good I had to watch it again (like 3 times) just to take it all in. Masaharu was able to keep his promise and continued to love Sumomo and they share a kiss. Nanatsuiro Drops definitely has a strong romance theme. While there will be moments of pain and sadness, Sumomo and Masaharu show that their love for one another is so strong that they can overcome any obstacle together. It's a lesson I'll never get tired of watching in anime and shows what it truly means to love someone and be with the one you love. I'll stay with the one I love (If I had someone) even if my life falls apart cause I know they'll be there for me to keep things together. Sumomo and Masaharu are also a underrated couple as I said in my 2017 and 2018 Valentines Days Posts and they truly deserve more attention so please ship them!

My Conclusion
I would give Nanatsuiro Drops 3/5 stars it was okay! NO, of course I'd give it 5/5 stars or a 10/10 score! I'd even go higher and give it 25/5 stars if I could! Honestly, I really don't have anything bad to say about it. This is exactly what I would call a perfect anime with a perfect ending to go with it. I would highly recommend Nanatsuiro Drops to anyone who likes magical girl, romance, cute/kawaii/moe anime or any of the similar anime like Cardcaptor Sakura, Kobato, Happiness, Princess Tutu, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Sailor Moon, or Mermaid Melody and I guarantee you'll probably love Nanatsuiro Drops as well.

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