Sunday, December 31, 2017

Kara no Kyoukai (The Garden of Sinners) Review

I usually try to review at least one series every month and recently I finished watching the movie series Kara no Kyoukai aka The Garden of Sinners, which I will be reviewing. Kara no Kyoukai initially started as a light novel series adapted into 8 different films as well as a 13 episode series and OVA. Kara no Kyoukai is action, romance, supernatural, and thriller type anime. The films don't exactly go in chronological order if you want to watch it in chronological order the order is 2, 4, 3, 1, 5, 6, 7. There is an additional epilogue that you can watch too. I will overall, be reviewing all these films as one series.

Kara no Kyoukai is set in the 1990s in Japan in an alternate universe and follows the life of Ryogi Clan-heiress Shiki Ryougi, and her classmate Mikiya Kokutou. The series deals with the paranormal and often goes through some mature and gritty content. Shiki Ryougi is a teenage girl raised as a demon hunter who acquired the "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception" after surviving a fatal accident. The story follows her with Mikiya Kokutou and their adventures with dealing with the supernatural.

My Thoughts
I thought the series was good but was kind of hard to follow along and understand at some point. Kara no Kyoukai combined some good genres for all. Due to the content this anime is not for young audience. I overall thought it was an above average movie series.

My Conclusion
I'd give this anime a 4/5 star rating or a 8/10 score. Now this is just speaking for the series in general. Some movies were better than others but I'm just summarizing how they did as an average. It was a good series but kind of hard to follow. If you are into supernatural thriller anime with a touch of romance than I recommend Kara no Kyoukai for you.