Tuesday, July 27, 2021

My Story: Kuchisake-Onna, Slit-Mouthed Woman

If you read my last few posts I've been posting My Story (Previously). Well here's the next part from where we left off and here they will face the legendary Kuchisake-Onna aka the Slit-Mouthed Woman. Just to be aware, this is kind of a filler episode. Here's a link (Kuchisake-Onna Wiki). 


A woman wearing a hospital mask has been sighted following and targeting small children.


Takeshi, Angel, and Nina decide to investigate the sightings of Kuchisake-Onna while Taro scoffs it off as a some people playing a prank but agrees to go along with the gang. They also want to know if she is a demon who is an ally of Kyofusho. The next day, they prepare bringing money and candy to distract her in case she follows them, as well as their weapons for defense. They see her and then capture and unmask her to reveal it's just someone playing a prank. Just then another Kuchisake-Onna appears asking if she's pretty as usual. The gang hesitate on what to say, she then rips off her mask revealing her hideous deformed slit mouth screaming am I pretty. Taro swoops in and attacks her with a knife. She then fades and reveals she's an illusion created by Kyofusho but doesn't give a reason why.


Takeshi tells everyone that they should be aware of Kyofusho's tactics and how to not fall into his traps. They wonder on what is to come from Kyofusho.


This was another filler episode/chapter so sorry again if you kind of expected something more. My full-time job has been pretty hectic so I don't really have as much time to post as I used to. I've also had to focus on my own mental health recently. I apologize if I don't post as much.

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