Saturday, January 21, 2017

Memories Off Series Review

For this post I will be reviewing the OVAs in the Memories Off series. Memories Off was a visual novel developed by KID which had several sequels and spin-offs. The main series started with the original the Memories Off 2nd, Omoide ni Kawaru Kimi: Memories Off, Memories Off Sorekara, Memories Off 5, Memories Off 6, and finally Memories Off: Yubikiri no Kioku. The ones that had OVAs adapted were Memories Off, Memories Off 2nd, Memories off 3.5 (adaptation of Omoide ni Kawaru Kimi and Sorekara), and Memories Off #5. Overall I liked the series but it wasn't great and there were a few ways it could be better. If you like the romantic harem theme though I would suggest these OVAs to you.

Memories Off

The original Memoriess Off is a 3 episode OVA series with each being 30 minutes long. I did like it and would say it is above average, though I'd say that for most series. It's not the best as there's others that are better out there but it does have somewhat of a feel good type of anime.

Tomoya Mikami's blamed himself when his girlfriend was hit by a car and killed. He's acted callously towards Yue and his other friends. Futhermore he gets involved with a new girl. He decides to say goodbye to his lost love once and for all, while dealing with the other infatuations in his life.

I'd give this 3.5/5 stars or a 7/10 score. It's not bad but it's not the best either. The downside is that it is a more harem style anime. Tomoya goes from one girl to another and I kind of wish he'd stick with the one he started with. There was a good amount of feel-good romantic scenes though I'd rather have most or all of them be with one specific love interest.

Memories Off 2nd

Memories Off 2nd is a sequel to original Memories Off. The OVA series is 3 episodes long with each episode being 30 minutes. I'd say that this one is probably the best of the Memories Off OVAs.

Shirakawa Hotaru finally confesses her love for Inami Ken. They became a happy couple until Ken meets Tobise Tomoe, Hotaru's best friend. Tomoe also has feelings for Ken. Will Ken stay with Hotaru, choose Tomoe, or lose them both?

I'd give this 4/5 stars or a 8/10 score which is pretty high for something that is just 3 episodes. I like that there is more focus on just two love interests rather than several in other harem anime so I wouldn't really call it a harem and the main character must choose one or the other. There's also some great feel-good romance scenes as well and Ken and Hotaru are a pretty romantic cute couple. The downside is that it is doesn't go into much detail though it does end on a good note.

Memories Off 3.5

Now Memories Off 3.5 consists of two parts so I will summarize each individually but review them as one. Hotaru from Memories Off 2nd will even make a few appearances in this one as well. I found it to be around the same as the first Memories Off no better or worse.

Omoide ni Kawaru Kimi (You that became a Memory)
Shogo and Neo Kashima are boyfriend and girlfriend when Shogo's ex Kanata Kurosu shows up and causes Shogo and Neo to think about their current situation.

Sorekara (~and then~)
Isshu Sagisawa made a promise to his girlfriend, Inori Misasagi that they would go to the fireworks festival together, the place they became a couple. Because of his work Isshu cannot attend so Inori goes alone and thinks about the two previous years

I would give these 3.5/5 stars or a 7/10 score. It had the touchy, feely, romantic moments and stuff but it's not as good as some of the other anime out there and doesn't really give that impact.

Memories Off #5 The Unfinished Film (Togireta Firum)

Memories Off #5 is the 5th game in the Memories Off series and adapted into a 1 episode OVA that is 26 minutes long. I say I probably liked it more than the original and 3.5 but it wasn't as good as the 2nd.

Kawai Haruto is part of a cinema club and realizes his dream of making his own movie. He looses his passion because his best friend, Hina Yusuke died the year before. He meets Sendo Mahiro who asks him to make a movie with her. Mahiro blames herself for Yusuke's death as she was at the place where Yusuke died.

I'd give this anime 4/5 stars or a 8/10 score. I say I like this one almost as much as Memories Off the 2nd and is pretty good for it being just 1 episode long.

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