Monday, January 2, 2017

Suzuka Review

Suzuka is a romance manga written by Koji Seo adapted into a 26 episode anime. Overall, I kind of thought it was better than average but not the best. There are many comparisons I can make with this anime and other's that like Ah! My Goddess! especially the characters.

Yamato Akitsuki travels to Tokyo to study in one of the high schools and live in an apartment with his aunt and cousin. One day he meets a beautiful athletic girl named Suzuka who lives next door to him and falls for her. Another girl named Honoka also develops a crush on Yamato. Yamato life start to change.

Comparisons to other Anime
I can compare this anime especial the main character, Yamato to another one that I like known as Ah! My Goddess!. Yamato Akitsuki (Suzuka) and Keiichi Morisato are both very alike in many ways, they even look alike and are kind of like me. (I have the exact jet black hair and brown eyes like them but am a bit tanner though). Additionally I think Keiichi does resemble Hideki Motosuwa from Chobits pretty well too, except for the height. Back to the point. Both Yamato and Keiichi are the both underdog male characters who frequently get taken advantage of and take the blame for a lot of things. They find a beautiful girl who they fall for and will try to get her to like them back. This changes their lives forever.

The love interests on the other hand are both very different. Suzuka doesn't like Yamato at first and she tries to deny feelings for him. Belldandy from Ah! My Goddess! is very caring, kind, and generous and almost never expresses negative emotions especially towards Keiichi. In a nutshell Suzuka is a tsundere while Belldandy is a nadeshiko or the perfect wife being polite, ladylike and very reserved. Both will eventually realize their feelings for the main characters.

How it Could be Better
Like many anime the manga runs chronologically longer than the anime so you are kind of left with a cliffhanger at the end. I wish it could run maybe an episode or two longer just to straighten things out and give us an idea of what the future will be like. I will probably read the manga to see what happens with our characters

My Conclusion
Overall, I'd give this anime 3.5/5 stars or a 7/10 score. There are things it can improve on but it shows how a guy is dedicated to making his life better as well as being true to oneself and someone you love. I like stories with an underdog loser type guy (since I am kind of one) who manages to get himself a good looking girlfriend/wife. The manga was probably better since it patched up some things and shows what happens in their future. I'm not really looking forward to the sequel called Fuuka which will be about Yamato and Suzuka's daughter Fuuka since it will probably be the exact same thing over again. I will be looking forward to watching another series also written by Koji Seo called A Town Where You Live. Although I'd also read the manga to since it goes more into the future of the story.

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