Wednesday, December 21, 2016

About Me

So this first post will be some things about me and what I will be doing. The first thing is my identity will remain anonymous and any bullies or trolls will be blocked and deleted. Second, will be reviewing anime mostly shows and movies but I will review some other things as well. Third, my opinion, tastes, likes, and dislikes my differ from yours and that's fine, after all we are all entitled to our own opinions, tastes, likes, and dislikes. Some random things about me. I am a guy who lives in the Midwest United States and planes to graduate around 2019 from college. I am studying Ecology and Conservation. My interests other than anime are animals, hockey, music (mostly rock), and anything that catches my attention. As a fun fact I am Asian American (born and raised in America) so I somewhat feel closer to the anime world. Personally I will mostly review anime that I like, although I may review things I don't like. Generally, I will try to review my least favorite anime first and get that out of the way. I will be reviewing some romance anime and anime for kids even though I am a grown man. That is why I will remain anonymously because I do not want to be judged. Also tell me if you think it is weird for guys to like romance or certain couples (Not in anime but in general). Finally, I do plan on writing stories of my own, and I am hesitant about sharing it but that's how I get my ideas out there. When I do post them feedback and constructive criticism would be appreciated, that means pointing out the good and bad, NO just plain negative criticism or feedback. Have fun reading my blog!

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