Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Myself; Yourself Review

So will now be conducting my first review and not a good review either. It's not a bad anime though but I think it could of been better and it had an effect on me. I have split emotions about this anime part of me wants to unwatch this and forget about it, another part of me thinks of ways it could be better, and the third part accepts it how it is. But this is a series I DON'T TALK ABOUT so my feelings are mostly negative. Oh yeah there will be spoilers in this review so a big

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Sana Hidaka is now moving back to his hometown where things have changed for the worse. His childhood friend Nanaka Yatsushiro who was once a bright, sweet, and caring has now changed to a cold dark demeanor. She first slaps him for not recognizing her. Sana had also neglected to write letters like he said he would. It is later revealed an arson which killed her parents and scarred her emotionally has given her post-traumatic amnesia. Sana's best friend, Shusuke Wakatsuki and his twin sister Shuri Wakatsuki are accused of being incest lovers.

Shusuke and Shuri's father is unhappy about this and threatens to send Shuri to London. The two then runaway or elope refusing to be separated. Obviously people will think they have eloped but they eventually return in the end. My conclusion is that people shouldn't jump to conclusions, maybe they are close as brother and sister and not lovers. Also parents should stay more out of their kids lives as they become older. They've already lived their lives made their mistakes did their decisions now they should just let their kids live their lives as they want it. If brother and sister want to be closer together so be it.
A great song about this kind of thing called Second Chance by Shinedown

Later it is revealed that Nanaka's mother had been unfaithful to her husband and had cheated on him with Nanaka's violin teacher who was her real biological father. Nanaka's father who had been angered by this first beat his wife then immolated her body, killed himself, and then set the house on fire. Nanaka escapes with her violin and never plays it till the events of the story. She is then taken in by her aunt and uncle so she won't remember what happened. Nanaka can't recall exactly what happened but her memory is jolted later. Unable to cope she tries to kill herself by cutting herself in the bathtub until Sana saves her. Sana then reveals he had also cut himself from being bullied and depressed in his new hometown.

Ten years later, Sana gives Nanaka "the ring" (the actual seen is not shown, GRRRRR) just before a violin concert. She then performs on stage with all her friends and family watching including Shusuke and Shuri. The anime then ends

My Conclusion
Okay I have gotten so sick of people neglecting, abusing, abandoning, or committing some other horrible crime just because a kid isn't blood-related. I understand a father's anger that his wife had been unfaithful but that is not a f***in excuse to beat your wife, kill her, kill yourself, set the house on fire, and scar your daughter for life. I was at my punching bag for an hour after the anime ended unleashing my anger pretending that punching bad was him. If it were me I'd be out of the relationship but I'd still be her "father". He is a horrible excuse for human being let alone a father and he brought this to his daughter who was innocent the whole damn time. It wouldn't matter if a kid was biologically mine or not because it would be my responsibility to care for them. After all I believe a true parent is the one who raised the kid, not the one who brought them into the world. Kids are innocent for the sins of their parents and would you trust someone like that raising a kid?

Its not just this story it's other child abuse cases like Ame Deal, Tesslynn O'Cull, Colton Turner, Lily Lynette, and Sylvia Likens (Gertrude Baniszewski should've gotten the death penalty, burn in hell that bitch). Just cause your child isn't blood-related does that still mean you're allowed to f***in mistreat them, neglect, abuse, abandon, or even kill them? Obviously not! I'm not one to walk out on parenting either. I plan on taking care of all kids I bring into the world but I'll take care of non blood ones if I have to and treat them as my own. I'm not saying all non-biological parents or caretakers are bad because there are ones who are loving and caring

I may not understand as much as others because I was raised by two biological parents and just those two. My sister is adopted and gets treated as if she were one of us and she is one of us.

How it can be better?
I'd rather have many of the events spread out because they were all crammed into the last few episodes. Also, there should have been more romance scenes as well especially the proposal.

My Score
I'd give this 2/5 stars or a 4/10 score. It's not real bad but it's not good either. I think there are a lot of ways this can be improved. This anime was supposed to feel sad but it mad me disappointed, angry and upset at the characters and writers as I'm sick of hearing people do bad things just cause their kids aren't theirs by blood (I know getting upset at the characters is silly but). I was however cheered up after watching Happiness! (One of my underrated anime I will be reviewing) and Chivalry of a Failed Knight. Two that had much better couples and much better endings and were much better overall. There's others that are better than this out there so if you should watch this or not depends on how strong your heart is. I will be writing a future story somewhat partly based off of this but my way with much LESS heartless parents! For the record this is an anime I DON'T TALK ABOUT. Now my opinion may differ from yours and that absolutely fine!

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