Monday, June 25, 2018

To Heart Review

I kind of didn't want to do a review on To Heart but because I plan on doing one on To Heart 2 when I finish it I'm going to review it. To Heart initially started as a visual novel by the developer Leaf. It was then made into a manga and eventually into it's own 13-episode anime series. Also, there are short specials that go with the series and eventually a second season known as To Heart: Remember My Memories came out with 13-episodes. Also, a sequel franchise known as To Heart 2 came out with different characters. I will only be reviewing the first To Heart franchise as I will review To Heart 2 once I finished watching it. To Heart is mostly a romance, harem, slice of life anime. It's hard for me to say whether I truly liked this anime but I think in the end the writers had the right idea. I chose to watch this as To Heart 2 looked interesting to me so I decided to watch this first.

Hiroyuki and Akari have always been friends. But things start to change and her feelings turn into something more. With the start of a new semester of high school, will the two friends come closer together or drift further apart? Accompanying them are their friends-the bubbly Shiho, the quiet Serika, the lovely kotone, and more-in this heartwarming tale of love, relationships, and friendships.

My Thoughts
Harem romance anime for me is usually pretty hit or miss in general. This is probably one of the few that landed in between. Like I've said before I don't mind harem if there's one girl who obviously stands out and she's the right girl for the main character. While To Heart is relaxing in way, it tends to jump around from one girl to another and can be kind of confusing at times. I don't regret watching it thought!

My Conclusion
I would give this anime 3.5/5 stars or a 7/10 score. By no means is this the worst harem I've watched but there's better ones out there and there's ways it could be better. If you do watch this watch both the original series and Remember My Memories. Now I'm pretty interested in To Heart 2 with different characters so I'm going to check it out. I will be reviewing it once I finish.

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