Thursday, June 21, 2018

A Town Where You Live (Kimi no Iru Machi) Review

As you may know I watched and reviewed Suzuka and said I was going to watch another anime written by the same author, A Town Where You Live (Kimi no Iru Machi). Well I just finished it now so I am going to review it. A Town Where You live started as a manga written by Kouji Seo who you may know for Suzuka and Fuuka. It was then adapted into a 2013, 12-episode series by Gonzo as well as two different 2-episode OVA series. Like Suzuka, A Town Where You Live is a slice of life, romance, drama anime that focuses on Haruto Kirishima and the love triangle he is in with two different girls. I did like this better than Suzuka but it was kind of confusing as the story jumps back and forth quite a bit. While I thought the characters were okay they lacked development and did have their flaws. However, I do not regret watching this anime!

Haruto Kirishima live in the countryside and meets Yuzuki Eba, who came from Tokyo to live with her family. Their time together left him enamored with memories of that short period before she disappeared from his life and left him full of questions. Some time later, Haruto moves to Tokyo to live with his sister, in order to pursue a career as a cook. He really wishes to be with Yuzuki. Eba really the one for him or is it Asuka?

My Thoughts
While I did like this anime better than Suzuka there were still things it could work on. For one the plot is kind of confusing as the story keeps jumping back and forth. Also, there wasn't much character development. Other people didn't like the characters much but I thought they were okay! From what I do hear the manga is better and goes more in depth so I might read the manga as well.

My Conclusion
I would give this anime 4/5 stars or an 8/10 score. Overall, I liked it better than Suzuka but there are things that could be better. I would recommend this anime if you like slice of life, romance, or drama and can keep at the fast pace it goes at. I'm looking forward to watching a similar love-triangle 1980s romance, Kimagure Orange Road!

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