Monday, July 2, 2018

Da Capo III Review

As most of you all guessed from my last review of Da Capo II. I'm going to review Da Capo III. I recently finished Da Capo III along with Da Capo II because sequels usually aren't as good so I'm going to watch the original Da Capo last. This is a new review but I will repeat myself, each story of the Da Capo franchise started out as visual novels by Circus then were made into manga and later their own anime series. Da Capo III is a 2013 13-episode series by Kazami Gakuen Koshiki Doga-bu and the only one that doesn't have any OVA. Honestly I liked Da Capo III just slightly better than Da Capo II but as always it does have its flaws and ways this anime could be much better. Also I'm going to complain about the ending a little bit so...

************************!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!************************

On the island of Hatsunejima, legends tell of a beautiful cherry tree that blooms annually and even grants wishes. Years after its magic vanished the Kazami Academy Official Newspaper club, challenged by the Unofficial Newspaper to see who can write a better article, decides to report on it to settle their rivalry. But as Kiyotaka and his five close female friends wish upon the arbor to test its rumors, it suddenly bursts into bloom and sends the townspeople a text message from 1951 in the past! The group is now set on uncovering the secrets to the tree's revival and becoming more than friends with Kiyotaka, who keeps bumping into a young girl called Sakura with a possible connection to these mysterious events.

My Thoughts (How it Could Be Better)
I've said this before and I'll say it again, harem anime are usually hit or miss and Da Capo III is not exception. While I like the general setup and story of Da Capo III there are a few things I would fix, particularly with the story. The problems arise when you add too many girls to the story and it jumps from one to another and leaves the situation unresolved in the end. There is little character development but there is a little bit more plot development.

Kiyotaka & Ricca
Ok I'm kind of jealous of Kiyotaka and I'd do anything to be in his place. I mean he's surrounded with beautiful girls and unfortunately the last episode leaves his harem situation unresolved, although there is a slight (but on confirmed) hint he may end up with Ricca. I would've given Da Capo III 5 stars if he ended up with Ricca in the end and I did mention them in my 2017 Valentines Day Post as characters who should've been a couple. Because of that I don't understand why Kiyotaka doesn't just tie the knot with Ricca. I really would've loved to see them as an official couple. (Ok I admit this is because I kind of look like Kiyotaka and Ricca is one of the most beautiful anime girls I've seen who I would want as my girlfriend if she existed in real life). Ok I may have said too much!

My Conclusion
I would give Da Capo III 4/5 stars or an 8/10 score. While it does have a good setting and background it doesn't quite fulfill it with the story or character development. I would recommend Da Capo III if you are a fan of harem romance anime and don't mind being a little disappointed. Like I said before, I do look forward to watching the original Da Capo anime as the original is usually the best.

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